RFID Library Solutions
FEIG has the right solution for every library media-handling application
FEIG has more than 20 years of experience in the library market and our customers have so far installed more than 200,000 readers and 200,000 antennas in applications around the globe. Our products enable solutions in all relevant application areas in libraries.
High-frequency (HF) technology (13.56 MHz), based on ISO standard 15693, dominates library applications worldwide. You can also implement equivalent ultra-high-frequency (UHF) products (867-928 MHz). We offer readers and antennas in both technologies for the following applications:
Crystal Gates in video
Take 2 minutes to learn everything important about our Crystal Gate antennas.
We'll show you how easily and quickly the gates can be installed in any library. Safe, reliable, maintenance-free. With alarm function and people counter.
Your possible applications at a glance
Security Gates
With their transparent design, our flexible media security gate solutions integrate discreetly into any environment. They offer a capture rate of nearly 100 percent and many gate configurations for every library need.
Flexibility with 1-6 aisles, aisle widths of 90 cm - 160 cm, automatic tuning of the antennas and detection rates tested in accordance with ISO 18046-4 define the unique performance of our gates. FEIG gate solutions offer extended functions such as direction-dependent and selective alarms, false alarm suppression and maintenance-free radar people-counters.
Self-check Kiosk
FEIG RFID for self-service terminals enables the user to check out several pieces of media stacked one on top of the other at the same time.
FEIG offers various solutions that use a reader and an external antenna. We also offer a combined antenna and reader solution in one device. These pad readers with integrated shielding have a clearly- defined reading area that prevents an antenna installed on a metallic or conductive surface from being influenced.
Additional RFID readers, which can also be installed flush in metal enclosures, are often used for user authentication
Book Return & Sorting Systems
Similar components used in self-checkout terminals are used in automated media return machines. The user can optionally authenticate with an RFID reader before throwing the item into the return machine. The user then either holds the item against an antenna installed on the outside of the device, or an antenna installed inside the box detects the item when the user throws it into the box. The two alternatives "reader with integrated antenna" and "reader with external antenna" are again available for selection.
Depending on the size of the library, sorting systems can be of different sizes and require different reading ranges. FEIG offers a large number of mid-range and long-range readers and antennas. All are based on the same communication protocol and require no additional integration effort.
Service Desk & Media Conversion
In addition to self-checkout and automated media return, many libraries offer a staffed service point for borrowing and returning media. The devices libraries use for this application include flat table antennas paired with a mid-range reader, or desktop devices shielded on five sides.
This complete solution of reader and antenna with a DIN A4-sized, clearly-defined reading field, prevents the device from mistakenly detecting media stored close by. This capability nearly eliminates manual booking errors. Additional desktop readers and other readers with external antennas can safely be installed on the counter if needed.
For media conversion, FEIG offers ECCO Smart, a hybrid RFID / barcode scanner. ECCO Smart reads media data from a barcode, converts it into an RFID-transponder-compatible format and writes it directly to the transponder. It all happens in a matter of seconds.
Inventory & Shelf Management
For manual, electronic inventory and other product-specific functions, FEIG offers a handheld reader with the best performance of all RFID handhelds available on the market. It has up to 16 hours of operating time, a powerful "boost mode" and the ability to launch an automatic media search (based on UID or media number) or to check/change the AFI byte.
The reader simplifies finding lost or incorrectly-sorted media and offers quick and easy inventory.
Smart Shelves
A piece of regular library furniture can be turned into a smart shelf using a long-range reader, multiplexers and antennas. Antennas installed in the shelves ensure continual real-time inventory, recognize incorrectly sorted media and enable customers to conveniently return items.
Smart shelves make it easier for library users and employees to find pre-ordered media. They also note the AFI bytes of all media for which manual or automatic return did not work. FEIG components turn furniture into intelligent all-in-one devices.
FEIG leads the market for library RFID
• RFID solutions for all library applications
• More than 200,000 HF readers installed
• More than 200,000 RF antennas installed
• Installations in more than 50 countries
• Certified in all relevant standards
• Offering HF and UHF technology
Unique products for library applications
Additional products
A great variety of FEIG products are currently in use in libraries around the world. Long-range readers for sorting systems and smart shelves, mid-range readers with integrated or external antennas, reader modules and housed readers for integration in terminals and kiosk systems. Tell us your needs and we will help you understand the best FEIG product for your application.
FEIG is happy to adjust and customize for your specific requirements.
HF or UHF?
Currently, about 95 percent of all library applications use HF technology.
There are several reasons for this:
A globally standardized operating frequency of 13.56 MHz
Reliable media detection in a precisely-defined detection area
Several standardized data models specifically for libraries
Resistance to damage from people or liquids
UHF technology, with its much larger reading ranges and even easier installation, also has a role to play in effective library media handling.Because each frequency has different applications within a library setting, FEIG offers a full product portfolio for both HF and UHF frequency ranges. All using a common API so mixing and matching products and even technologies is very simple.
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How can we help you?
Let us show you your options for RFID solutions in libraries.
Quality "Made in Germany"
FEIG ELECTRONIC has been a development partner and specialist in contactless identification (RFID), control electronics, traffic sensors and payment terminals for more than 50 years. From our headquarters in Weilburg, Germany, the ca. 400 people who work for us contribute to technological progress by developing innovative solutions for a wide range of applications and industries.